Publications : risque industriels financiers et environnementaux


Crises et résilience territoriale:une approche par la prospective narrative

HÉRAUD Jean-Alain, MULLER Emmanuel, Lettre du Financier Territorial, 405, 29-33.


Innovation collaborative entre startups et grandes entreprises : de l’asymétrie aux signaux de confiance mutuelle

BERTIN Clarice, Printemps de l’innovation 2024 : Innovations systémiques : industrie, société, environnement, Workshop « Innovation, Confiance et Renouveau organisationnel », RNI, University of Lorraine, ENSGSI, Lorraine Fab Living Lab, Nancy, March 21, 2024, Nancy.


Developing strategic capabilities for startup - large firm collaborative innovation

BERTIN Clarice, Entreprendre & Innover, 2024/3, n°60, pp. 64-74.


AI devices and liability

BOUN MY Kene, JACOB Julien, LEFEBVRE Mathieu, Working Paper BETA #2024-24, Working Paper BETA #2024-24.


An economic analysis of a storage policy after a storm occurrence in forestry

JACOB Julien, BRUNETTE Marielle, LEBLOIS Antoine, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, DOI: 10.1007/s10666-024-10011-z.


Climate change perception, impact, and adaptation of French farmers: implications for crop insurance development

KOENIG Richard, BRUNETTE Marielle, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, DOI : 10.1007/s41130-024-00218-9.


Crop Yield Risks and Nitrogen Fertilisation in French Agriculture: Implications for Crop Insurance

KOUAKOU Edith, BRUNETTE Marielle, KOENIG Richard, DELACOTE Philippe, Revue d'Economie Politique, 134(5), 691-728.


Risk and ambiguity in a public good game

VAN DRIESSCHE Sarah, BOUN MY Kene, BRUNETTE Marielle, Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 3.


Climate change perception, impact and adaptation: Implications for crop insurance

KOENIG Richard, BRUNETTE Marielle, WP BETA 2023-36, 2023-36.


Le choc de l'électrification: vers une nouvelle distribution automobile

LAMBERT Thierry, Revue Lamy de la concurrence, n°128, juin 2023, p.46-54.


Providing Pandemic Business Interruption Coverage with Double Trigger Cat Bonds

SCHMITT André, SPAETER Sandrine, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issue and Practice, 48, 687-713.


How to Reconcile Pandemic Business Interruption Risk With Insurance Coverage?

SPAETER Sandrine, Revue d'Economie Politique, 133, 177-201.


Compulsory licensing of intellectual property rights

VANDERMEULEN Bruno, MANGHAL Natasha, GUICHARDAZ Rémy, DAGHER Julie, LIGONNIÈRE Samuel, PEETERS Roel, Office des publications de l'Union Européenne


Compulsory licensing of intellectual property rights – Final study report, Publications Office of the European Union

VANDERMEULEN Bruno, MANGAL Natasha, DAGHER Julie, LIGONNIÈRE Samuel, PEETERS Roel, European Commission


Compulsory licensing of intellectual property rights – Final study report, Publications Office of the European Union

VANDERMEULEN Bruno, MANGAL Natasha, DAGHER Julie, LIGONNIÈRE Samuel, PEETERS Roel, European Commission


Drivers of organic farming: Lab-in-the-field evidence of the role of social comparison and information nudge in networks in Vietnam

BOUN MY Kene, NGUYEN-VAN Phu, PHAM Thi Kim Cuong, STENGER Anne, TIET Tuyen, NGUYEN To-The, Ecological Economics, Volume 196, June 2022, 107401.


Are risk preferences consistent across elicitation procedures? A field experiment in Congo basin countries

BRUNETTE Marielle, NGOUHOUO-POUFOUN Jonas, The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, DOI:10.1057/s10713-021-00062-7.


"Prevent or Cure"? Trading in the face of skewed binary lotteries"

JACOB Julien, BRUNETTE Marielle, EECKHOUDT Louis, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 178(2), 130-169.


Assurance récolte en France : Spécificité du régime et déterminants du taux de souscription

KOENIG Richard, BRUNETTE Marielle, DELACOTE Philippe, TEVENART Camille, Economie Rurale, 380, 7-25.


Providing Pandemic Business Interruption Coverage with Double Trigger Cat Bonds

SPAETER Sandrine, Journées Internationales du Risque 2022, IRIAF, Niort, 30 juin - 1er juillet


Providing Pandemic Business Interruption Coverage with Double Trigger Cat Bonds

SPAETER Sandrine, JMA 2022, Rennes, 2-3 juin.


The determinants of adapting forest management practices to climate change: Lessons from a survey of French private forest owners

THOMAS Julie, BRUNETTE Marielle, LEBLOIS Antoine, Forest Policy and Economics, 135, 102662.


Controlling Monopoly Power in a Double-Auction Market Experiment

ATTANASI Giuseppe, BOUN MY Kene, GUIDO Andrea, LEFEBVRE Mathieu, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume23, Issue5, Pages 1074-1101.


Double overreaction in beauty contests with information acquisition: theory and experiment

BAERISWYL Romain, BOUN MY Kene, CORNAND Camille, Journal of Monetary Economics, Volume 118, March 2021, Pages 432-445.


Public information and the concern for coordination

BOUN MY Kene, CORNAND Camille, DOS SANTOS FERREIRA Rodolphe, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 93, 13 pages.


Le nucléaire et la gestion des déchets radioactifs en Europe

HERAUD Jean-Alain, Bulletin de l’Observatoire des Politiques Economiques en Europe, 44.


La financiarisation menace-t-elle la souveraineté monétaire ?

TADJEDDINE Yamina, Revue Banque, 857 bis.


Role of farmers' risk and ambiguity preferences on fertilization decisions: an experiment

TEVENART Camille, BRUNETTE Marielle, Sustainability, 13, 9802.


Private investment with social benefits under uncertainty: the dark side of public financing

ATTANASI Giuseppe, BOUN MY Kene, BUSO Marco, STENGER Anne, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Volume 22, June 2020, Pages 769-820.


Substituabilité entre assurance et auto-assurance : une propriété robuste à l’asymétrie d’information et à l’ambiguïté

BRUNETTE Marielle, CORCOS Anne, COUTURE Stéphane, PANNEQUIN François, Revue d'économie politique, 130(4), 615-632.


Risk aversion hinders forestry professionals to adapt to climate change

BRUNETTE Marielle, HANEWINKEL Marc, YOUSEFPOUR Rasoul, Climatic Change, 162, 2157–2180.


Insurance and forest rotation decisions under storm risk

LOISEL Patrice, BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Environmental and Resource Economics, 76, 347-367.


Are banking crises really an equal opportunity menace?

BOUVATIER Vincent, TADJEDDINE Yamina, Journal of Economic Integration, 34/4, 619-666.


Risk aversion, prudence and temperance : an experiment in gain and loss

BRUNETTE Marielle, JACOB Julien, Research in Economics, 73(2), 174-189.


Cross-border Workers and Financial Instability : A Frequency Domain Causality Analysis Applied to the Luxembourg Financial Center

FROMENTIN Vincent, TADJEDDINE Yamina, Applied Economic Letters, 10.1080/00036840802360179.


Coordination : une approche expérimentale

THOMAS Rodolphe, Innovation and Experiment


Risk management activities of a non-industrial private forest owner with a bivariate utility function

BRUNETTE Marielle, COUTURE Stéphane, Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 99(3), 281-302.


Biotechnical Portfolio Management of Mixed-Species Forests

BRUNETTE Marielle, DRAGICEVIC Arnaud, LENGLET Jonathan, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, BADEAU Vincent, DUPOUEY Jean-Luc, Journal of Bioeconomics, 19(2), 223-245.


Vers une composition optimale de la forêt française : une application de la théorie de la sélection de portefeuille aux critères biotechniques

BRUNETTE Marielle, DRAGICEVIC Arnaud, LENGLET Jonathan, NIEDZWIEDZ Alexandra, Economie Rurale, 359, 27-49.


Attitude towards Risk and Production decision : An Empirical analysis on French private forest owners

BRUNETTE Marielle, FONCEL Jérôme, KÉRÉ Eric, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, 22(6), 563-576.